Local College Student Support Services Sites
Colleges provide student support services to assist students with implementing the accommodations on their IEPs during their post-secondary education. While colleges do not have to provide all of the accommodations students may receive in high school, they will work with students to implement the possible accommodations at their college. Students will need to make an appointment and bring a copy of their IEP to assist with the accommodation process.
Thanks to advocacy and legislation, students with disabilities can successfully navigate higher education. Read this guide to learn more about your rights, scholarship opportunities, and things to consider when picking a college.
Student Accessibility and Support Services (SASS) ensures students with documented disabilities, who self-disclose, have full and equal access to the programs and services of Emporia State University (ESU).
SASS also ensures students with disabilities are not discriminated against because of their disability.
FHSU offers reasonable accommodations to students with documented learning, physical, and/or psychological disabilities. If you have one or more documented disabilities that affects your ability to learn or participate in a campus program or service, we are here to help support your needs.
The Access Services team is ready to partner with you in navigating your academic and career paths. JCCC values the diversity that disability brings to campus. We’re dedicated to providing you equitable access to all College programs and services so every Cavalier can take part in the full college experience and campus life.
The K-State Student Access Center serves the campus community by partnering with students, faculty, and staff to create accessible environments and provide academic and housing accommodations.
Student Accommodations provides support services to currently enrolled PSU students with disabilities which substantially impairs one or more major life activities. Students may qualify for services that accommodate for their impairments and provide equal access to educational opportunity.
Your success is important to us. We understand the unique challenges you face, and we are here to support you in reaching your goals. Your disability does not have to be a barrier to your success. By partnering with you, we can ensure you have equal access to all that UMKC offers. Whatever your disability, we are here to help you!
KU's Student Access Center assists students with disabilities by facilitating accommodations that remove barriers to their academic success.
The Office of Accessibility Services is dedicated to providing persons with disabilities equal access to the functions and facilities of the University of Central Missouri. If you are a student with a disability, we encourage you to contact Accessibility Services. We are committed to providing services and reasonable, appropriate accommodations to allow students to achieve an equal opportunity to education and other activities.​
WSU is committed to helping students achieve their educational goals and personal goals and provides academic support, accessibility services, and resources which afford students with learning, mental or physical disabilities the equal opportunity to attain these goals.